Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter disbelief

Luke 24: 1-12   Easter 2013

Why is this story so hard to believe?  Christians and Non-Christians alike respect the story but some still question if it ever really happened.
 Even the women and the disciples who spent so much time with Jesus, learned from him, loved him, were loved by him, believed he was the Son of God and even heard him tell them multiple times that he would be turned over to sinners, killed and on the third day raised from the dead.  If anyone, these should have been waiting and anticipating what came next not hiding out in fear and mourning.

 They had even seen Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead- they knew it was possible. And yet, as they watched our Lord die, doubt entered their mind.  What they had been so sure of was now in question.  They of all people should have not been so surprised by the fact that the tomb was empty and indeed his prophecy had come true.
It goes beyond rational thinking, this disbelief that Christ was resurrected from the dead.  We find it hard to imagine that Jesus didn’t put up a fight.  He went willingly with the soldiers, willingly to the court officials to be unfairly judged; he willingly carried his own cross to willingly die- even though he was not a criminal and didn’t deserve any of this.  He remained steady, strong and dignified while he was being humiliated and tortured.  We can’t imagine not at least offering up a complaint much less not having to be dragged kicking and screaming to our fate.

But it goes beyond this.  Not only did he willingly go to his execution but he shows love and compassion to his accusers in the process.  He reassures Pilate that he is not the one to blame.  He not only offers forgiveness to the criminal being crucified with him but he prays to God to forgive his murderers.  Even in excruciating pain, he still loves those who hate him.
It goes beyond that.  It is not really the history of the event that bothers us.  It is our own fear, uncertainty, our own feelings of self-loathing and hatred,  the feeling of anger towards others and a general sense of unworthiness that truly get in our way of believing. 
Our difficulty is not with God, it is not with the death of Christ, it is not with the empty tomb and the resurrection.  Our difficulty is with ourselves.  Our unbelief is not in Christ, it is in our willingness to accept that we are loved that much. 
We may be able to put on a good front for others but when we look in the mirror and take a good, honest, self-evaluation of our souls we don’t always like what we see. 
It’s not the graying hair, the new wrinkle, the crooked nose, the not so slim figure or the surgery scar that bothers us.  There are parts of our insides that we try to cover up, ignore, and hope no-one else notices.  We hear that voice in our head that holds grudges against people who have done us wrong.  We know the disdain we have for others who aren’t like us- whether it is ageism, racism, sexism, homophobia, or political affiliation we all have some stereotype that, if we are honest, bothers us at least a little but maybe a lot.  We don’t understand how if we recognize so many not so lovable things about ourselves- how could God love us?
We are usually somewhat capable of hiding the parts about ourselves which we detest the most, even from our closest friends and loved ones.  But God? 
We can’t hide anything from God.  God knew us before we were born, knit us in our mother’s womb, God knows every hair on our head, every line on our face, knows our thoughts before they are spoken and every need and desire of our heart- good and bad- and loves us anyway.  That is the most difficult thing to reconcile; the unconditional, un-surpassing, and unfailing love of Christ.  Not that Christ was willing to die but that he was willing to die for you. 

Easter is the time of year when this struggle comes to light.  We hear the story of the last supper.  We witness the brutality of Good Friday and the quiet despair of Holy Saturday. We reflect on how the women and the disciples felt on these three days.  We understand their sense of defeat and disappointment when it seems all their hopes had died on that cross and evil and death have had the last word. 
We have all felt that way at some point.  It is why it is so easy to put ourselves in their shoes.  We’ve sat up late at night worried about the health or safety of someone we love.  We’ve feared the call from the bill collector when we know we don’t have the money to pay.  We stress over layoffs at work. We understand despair.  We can’t escape at least the periodic sense of disappointment in our lives.
But we also understand the significance of Easter, the empty tomb, and the hope that it brings.  Death does not have the final say.  There are greater things to look forward to than the uncertainty of this life.  There is hope, joy and peace in a God who loves us and can and will overcome the death and darkness of this life.
It is sometimes hard to see this hope and light when you are in a time of despair.  Maybe people try to help with words of encouragement and hope in Christ.  You hear people say “don’t give up,” “pray about it” God loves you, Jesus loves you,”
Maybe you are like Peter- you don’t believe the stories of other people’s experience with God.  You need to see it for yourself.   You can see the peace and Joy others have received through their faith journey with Christ but you need to experience it yourself to really believe.
Now is the time, see it for yourself.  Open your eyes and your heart.  Go on that Journey with Christ.  Let him prove to you just how much he loves you. 

This sacrifice, this grave, this empty tomb is for you and for all those who are willing to accept that even when we can’t love ourselves, God loves us, warts and all.  Spend time reading the stories of Jesus, learn the message underlying the parables. 
The disciples and the women who came to the tomb that Easter morning had to be reminded too.  They all had to spend time remembering the life of Jesus, seeing the prediction of Christ in the Old Testament and how Jesus fulfilled it before they really understood.  See the love and compassion Jesus showed to even the most detestable members of society at the time and know he can and does love you too.  Listen with an open heart the stories of others and their experience with God- the familiarity, the sense of love, patience, provision and guidance will be unmistakable.
The empty tomb is a sign of promise that our sins have been paid for.  Jesus willingly took on the sins of this world so that we too may experience eternal salvation and eternal life with our creator.  Our sins have been washed away.  All we have to do is believe and accept our inheritance as a child of God.
Nothing, not hard times in life, failure nor disappointment, not even death can separate you from the love of God. 

With Jesus there is hope beyond the confines of this life.  Death is not how this story ends.  It is not how your story ends.  It is just the beginning.  It is never too late to start your personal journey with Christ.  Maybe you’ve been faking it all these years or maybe you have never before today realized how much you are loved.  Start today, speak with me, slip me a note, or talk with someone you know has a strong faith.  It is never too late to begin a life of hope with the love of Christ.  Your church family is here to help along the way to lead you from your cross to resurrection and life eternal.


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