Matthew 21: 1-11
Hosanna in
the Highest! Blessed is he who comes in
the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the
I can almost
hear the crowd now! It was a festival, a
party, a celebration! Jerusalem, a town
of maybe 40,000, was brimming with people.
Some estimate the population rose to over ½ million during Passover
week. Ancient Jerusalem, knew how to
throw a party and Passover was the best of them all. Passover is a time to celebrate how God saved
the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt.
It is a reminder to them of who and whose they are.
They retell
stories of how God showed power and might over pharaoh and his
slaveholders. They tell stories of
provision of how God provided guidance in the wilderness, food and fresh water
when they thought they would die. They
celebrate God’s promise for the future; to send a messiah, a savior! Someone who would make all things right. They
dream of a day when they will no longer be subject to any power other than
God! They had a lot to celebrate and
hope for!
I imagine
the Passover described in Scripture to be like Mardi Gras in New Orleans…
people everywhere, singing, dancing, cooking lavish meals for friends, family
and strangers alike.
And this
year was special. They had heard about
Jesus. They had heard the rumors that
this man might be the One! Some of them
knew someone he had healed with a touch or a word, giving sight to the blind,
casting out demons and making the lame to walk.
Maybe some of them had been in the crowd when Jesus multiplied bread and
fish to make a meager meal into a feast!
The rumors were swirling that Jesus was special.
As Jesus
arrives in Jerusalem people cannot wait to see him. It was bigger than crazed Beatles’ fans
trying to get a glimpse of John or Ringo.
This is a once in a life time experience!
As they
catch a glimpse of him coming down the road, it all starts to click in their
minds. Isn’t this how Zachariah and
Isaiah said it would happen? He’s coming
from the East from the Mount of Olives, that’s where the messiah is to come
from. And, he’s on a donkey too! All the pieces are coming together. They tell their friends and everyone comes
out to see Jesus!
So they
throw him a parade with whatever they can find!
They pull branches off trees, take off their coats and wave them in the
air! It is a spontaneous celebration fit
for a victorious king!!!! But do they
know exactly what they are celebrating?
What do they expect from Jesus?
chanting tells us what they expect!
Hosanna to the Son of David!
Hosanna literally means “Save us”!
Come Jesus! Save us! You, the Son of David, save us!
But save us
from what?
Son of
David, tells us much more than just the ancestry of Jesus. This is huge!
Son of David is a political title.
David is the King, the one whom God promised would always have a
descendent on the throne. The rightful
heir of the king is his son. This is Jesus.
This title, Son of David tells us they expected Jesus to be king! They expected a king of old who led them in
battle, who would defeat their enemies, kill Goliath, the giant who threated to
enslave them.
expected a king who would be powerful and in control. They
also expected a messiah who would led
them as a priest, who would teach them about God!
expected the temple and religion to be the center of their nation. Not one nation under God but God’s nation for
God, God’s people united together to worship and live for God.
Maybe they
expected Jesus to lead a revolution.
Many people had claimed to be the messiah, led revolts and while some
had succeeded more than others, in the end they had all failed. So maybe the crowd that day put their hope
and expectations into Jesus that he would be the one to succeed in overthrowing
The question
for us this Palm Sunday is then; what do we expect from Jesus? Someone who will comfort us, tell us we were
right all along? Someone who will
challenge us, correct us? Or someone who
will answer our prayers and smite our enemies?
We still
pray that Jesus will come again. In the
apostles creed, the bedrock statement of our faith, we say that we believe that
Jesus will come to judge the living and the dead. So what do we expect Jesus to be like when he
comes back? Do we expect a king or a
servant? A warrior on a white horse or a calm peace-loving pacifist? The final battle between good and evil or for
all things to magically be free from evil?
Jesus descending from the clouds like an angel or walking down the
street like an ordinary person? Will
everyone recognize God’s glory or just a few?
We have
anticipated the return of the Messiah so many times now. Early Christians expected he would come
within days, weeks or a few years after the death and resurrection of
Jesus. When that didn’t happen, people
decided it would be a thousand years, then two thousand years. None of them seem to have been correct.
If we look ahead
to Matthew 25 we get another glimpse as to what Jesus return will be like. This is the story of Jesus returning as judge
to separate the sheep, those who do the will of God, from the goats, those who
don’t do the will of God.
What happens
when Jesus returns and some of those who think they are sheep are actually
goats? In Matthew 25 Jesus says he was
the one who is hungry, thirsty, the stranger, the one who is in prison; not a
king on a white stallion. What if Jesus
comes back in a way we don’t expect?
The people
who celebrated Jesus’ triumphal entry into the city had plenty of
expectations. Expectations that were
founded in solid Jewish theology and common understandings of scripture. But what Jesus taught and what Jesus preached
and the way Jesus acted was not what they expected of a Messiah. He didn’t pat the religious people on the
back and tell them what a good job they had done.
challenged them, corrected their thinking about God and power and
judgement. He told them that all people
were valuable not just the ones who fit a specific description. He challenged the way they did business in
the temple. He challenged the rules they
followed of who was right and who was wrong.
He challenged their power and their authority.
When he rode
into town on the donkey and people started calling him king he challenged
everything they knew to be true. They
already had a king, Caesar. Anyone
challenging that authority, would be disastrous for everyone! Rome would not blink at using military force
to put down an insurrection, they had done it before and would do it
again! That could mean disaster for
Sadducees, Scribes, Religious leaders would lose their power, their influence,
their wealth and what little freedom they had and those who chose to fight may
lose their lives along with many innocent people who get in the way. They prayed for a messiah, but didn’t really
want one that would change the world.We like to think we would be different. We tend to paint “the Jews” as a group of people in scripture that we don’t’ want to be. Especially as this week comes to an end and the cry of Hosanna is replaced with Crucify him!
We like to think we would welcome the Messiah, sing Loud Hosanna’s and wave palm branches in the air and never think twice. But would we? Would we recognize Jesus if he came as a mighty king in flowing white robes? Do we recognize him in the face of a stranger, a homeless man, a convicted criminal in a jail cell?
Jesus may have not fit the expectations of the Jewish majority. And Jesus may or may not show up the way we expect him to show up today. But ironically, the chant of Hosanna that the people cried that day and the chant of Hosanna that people cry out every Palm Sunday was more accurate than they realized.
Jesus, did come to save us- just not in the way they or we expect. Praise God that the Messiah exceeds all our expectations! Jesus doesn’t come to save us from “them”, from someone or something else. Jesus doesn’t come guns blazing, condemning everyone or everything we don’t like.
No, Jesus
comes to save us from ourselves. To save
us from narrow mindedness, from thinking the world revolves around us, from
greed, materialism, commercialism, from doubt, fear, shame, and sin. Jesus comes to save us from whatever
separates us from a loving, honest and perfect relationship with God and our
Jesus comes
to save us from death. Death in whatever
form it takes in your life, not just physical death by giving us eternal life
but the death that keeps us from living into who God created us to be; gifts,
talents and shortcomings alike.
Jesus comes
to save us from the smallness of our imaginations. We cannot imagine what true life is like when
we try to imagine it without Jesus.
Jesus came
so that we might have life. Jesus saves
us from death so that we can live life on earth and in heaven. Sometimes Jesus shows up just as we expect
and sometimes he doesn’t and that’s exactly how God wants it. God wants us to wait expectantly to see Jesus
in both the shepherd and the king.
Because as we learn to love both in this life we begin to love with the
eyes of Christ and live a life of fullness and compassion for all of God’s creation.
Hosanna! Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Save us Jesus, today and every day! Amen.
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